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Powerful Healing Symbols Key for Healing and Wholeness

Spiritual Entrepreneur Reveals Powerful Healing Symbols in New Book

Powerful Healing Symbols Key for Healing and Wholeness

"The intention of this book is to manifest these powerful healing symbols into our physical world and bodies to support healing on a cellular level"
Britta Hochkeppel

 Essex-based Author, Britta Hochkeppel, is celebrating the release and success of her latest book ‘Healing Symbols from a Higher Dimension’, through which she aims to inspire and provide keys for healing and wholeness – having generated 22 unique healing symbols that she felt compelled to share.


Inspired by her Grandmother and sensing that she had a gift from the age of six years old, Britta started to explore her own spiritual and psychic abilities, but it is only now she is really harnessing their full power.


Britta is an Intuitive Healer and Holistic Light Worker and the Founder of Vita Serena (https://vitaserena.co.uk), she said; “Many people are feeling anxious and fearful for their future coming out of lockdown, which is being amplified by a concurrent time of global transformation. Most of us are living below our potential vibrational state, burdened by the chains of a depleting belief system and holding onto our past mistakes. Unless we recognise and deal with them, we become locked into a repetitive cycle that we struggle to break free from. This lowered energetic state manifests in us as physical and emotional pain.”


Britta’s new book is a fascinating glimpse into another dimension, beginning with Britta’s world view and introducing the ideas of energy, balance and the ‘global vibe,’ drawing on her knowledge of ancient civilisations; Egyptians, Celts and Mayans and continuing to explore techniques using symbols to heal; PTSD, loss, emotional-physical dissonance and enjoy peace, and happiness to name but a few.


Within her inspirational book, Britta says; “Stepping forward as a messenger, I am aware that introducing something new such as these vibrational healing symbols will divide opinion, but I can only follow my heart and my truth.”


As Albert Einstein once said - “Everything in Life is Vibration” – Britta continues; “All matter in the universe is made up of energy that vibratesThe intention of this book is to manifest these powerful healing symbols into our physical world and bodies to support healing on a cellular level and to raise our vibration as a collective consciousness.  The unique frequencies of these powerful healing  symbols are recognised by our cells and  transposed into healing vibrations, which are absorbed by the entire mind-body system.


Britta studied an intensive course for two and a half years at the University for Naturopathic Medicine and after being awarded her Diploma in Naturopathy, she moved from Germany to England, studying Progressive Kinesiology and becoming a Reiki Master. During this time Britta was inquisitive and always seeking answers, which she has now found.


Britta said; “Since 2017, I have become increasingly aware of signs from beings of higher intelligence. This awareness has been further enhanced during recent months. The connection I have with what I call the higher dimensions has increased, and I trust the messages and requests they give me. In 2017, I was given the first set of 11 Healing Symbols to channel and download. During the lockdown of 2020, I channeled another 11 Healing Symbols. The most recent request I received was to write this book, ‘Healing Symbols from a Higher Dimension’, which was mostly channeled but also includes my perspective on things. The aim of the book is to inspire people and provide them with the key to the code and the practical symbols they need to raise their own vibration. Only through the combined efforts of many individuals doing so, can we raise our overall planetary emotional and spiritual vibrations too.”


Symbols date back to ancient history long before language was created.  Symbols represent a form of language that has no words and no sounds, one of the most advanced and sophisticated forms of communication called an ideogram. An ideogram is a symbol, which represents an entire idea or concept without ever uttering a word, phrase or sound to describe that idea and without needing the alphabet.


Britta said; “Focussing on symbols, literally by concentrating visually on the required symbol, whilst engaging with deep breathing and chanting its name, is the beginning of a hugely complex healing process. Similar to sound healing, the vibration of the symbols bypasses the interference of our often resistant intellectual brain and is then able to penetrate the cellular system, thereby initiating and supporting true healing changes.”


Now based in Coggeshall, Essex, Britta has experienced an increase in requests for physical, mental and emotional healing since launching Vita Serena. She said; “I have definitely been born with a gift, and I feel it’s my responsibility, and privilege, to guide people. May the healing vibration of the high dimensional symbols benefit everyone who comes into contact with them and raise the vibrational state within their emotional, mental and physical body around the world.”


This book has already been well received by many across the globe and clients of Britta are enthusiastic about the results of both her work and her writing…


“Learning new techniques and strategies in an open, accepting and free-of-judgement environment enables you to better understand yourself, your barriers and, most importantly, how to manage these so that you are enabled to achieve what you both need and want practically, spiritually and emotionally,” says Nicole.


“I had been suffering from vertigo since 2003 when I was struck over the head with a base ball bat. Around October last year, a friend, who is a GP, gave me Britta’s telephone number with the comment that “conventional medicine does not always have all the answers”. I was advised to go with an open mind. After 2 visits my vertigo had very much improved and after several more sessions it has disappeared” says Lori.



Author: Britta Hochkeppel

Published by Fisher King Publishing

ISBN 978-1-913170-90-5

RRP £12.99

Available worldwide in print and digital versions.

Amazon link: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Healing-Symbols-Higher-Dimension-Hochkeppel/dp/191317090X




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