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Doctor Releases Poetry Collection To Guide Through Coming Months

Poetry has made a huge come back in recent years, with the beauty of the old literary art being appreciated again. A number of authors are becoming fast favourites, but there is a new genius on the scene.

Doctor Releases Poetry Collection To Guide Through Coming Months

"The words have a genius to them. They have a compassion. An understand of how people feel, what makes humans tick, and our inner most depths. "
Sophie C

The author, Dr Olushola Adeborode Kolawole (OAK) has released his first three books at a time when restrictions are being lifted across the UK, and people may need to turn to books for stability, advice, and guidance. His poetry collection is one that will prove popular.


Here, poetry fan Sophie C, reviews the new release which is being marketed as an inspirational poetry collection:


“I am a big fan of poetry and love the way that you can carry it memorised in your head to revisit time after time. Poetry can carry strong emotions and be a huge support in times of challenge, grief and celebration. I was keen to read the new Reflections collection from Dr Olushola Adeborode Kolawole having heard about his talent with short story writing.


“A collection of 50 poems is a real collection and I was interested to see how Dr Olushola Adeborode Kolawole described his own work before I started reading. He said:


“Without reflection, we go blindly on our way, creating more unintended consequences, and failing to achieve anything useful.” – Margaret J. Wheatley

Life is simply complicated because humans make it to be. We struggle to attain perfection without seeing perfection in one another’s imperfection. We strive to thrive in a world of vanity without having a moment to brood on the afterlife.

I believe this temporary space would be a peaceful place to love and live if the world could observe a quiet moment to reflect on where we were coming from, why we are where we are, and where we look forward to being.

The urge to write “Reflections” came from deep cogitation on self, horrendous and happy happenings around. This is intending to help humans to realize the links in life, the way out of universal and conventional pains, the reminder of good old memories, and words of hope to stay happy.

This golden collection serves as a wake-up call for all and sundry. It enjoins readers to love and have the right perception towards fellow humans, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, and personal beliefs.

Read, reflect, and be inspired!



“So with no further ado, I read on, hoping to be indeed inspired.


“And that I was. The words have a genius to them. They have a compassion. An understand of how people feel, what makes humans tick, and our inner most depths. Each poem is a different rhythm, stanzas are unique and meanings are clear but also you can read subliminal messages into some of them… or at least I enjoyed the fact that I was.


“My personal favourite is Life’s Struggles. A true epitaph of how the world would be a better place if we all followed the thoughts of this. I am not religious, and the author clearly is, but it still lifted me and made me want to be a good person.


“The poems are not all sweetness and light though. They delve into the darker depths of being human, looking at traits like jealousy, hatred and corruption. There is a deeper, black hole of emotion in these that preaches virtues. Poetry is a great vehicle for these messages if done right, and Dr Olushola Adeborode Kolawole does indeed get it right.


“A subject that is part of much discussion at the moment is also addressed. I’d like to share that particular piece as part of this review and leave you with a thirst to read more of this great author. I know I am looking forward to reading his short stories now, The Little Things That Matter. Do treat yourself to this poetry collection, I am sure you won’t regret it!




Under a racist's cloak are hot loathing coals

And behind their looks is deception;

They afore wore hoods and robes

Like priests with God's matter at heart;

Now they wear ties and showy shirts.


They changed methods like a chameleon

But their mission, same like leopard spots;

They launch a racist's game into politics

And discard the existence of the blacks.


Discrimination and castigation ensued

Because of black's illiteracy and ignorance;

Our colour isn't our doing but the creator's,

Racism must end, my message for all.



“Wow. What a great place to end my review. Bravo Dr Olushola Adeborode Kolawole.”


Dr Olushola Adeborode Kolawole studied a Master’s Degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management at Heriot-Watt University, Scotland and a PhD in Operations and Supply Chain Management at the University of Bradford. He is a member of many professional bodies and the founder of The King’s Palace Schools in Nigeria. He is also the founder of OAK Foundation, a charity that supports indigent students, orphans, and widows. As the CEO of New Touch International Ltd, Dr Olushola Adeborode Kolawole lectures and supervises research students at four UK Universities.


You can get a copy of the books from Amazon or contact Dr Olushola Adeborode Kolawole on olusola203@yahoo.com.




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