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PR Coach Helping Ambitious Entrepreneurs Be Heard to Host Powerful Media Panel

Yorkshire-based Award-winning PR Coach & Speaker, on a Mission to Help Ambitious Entrepreneurs Be Heard, to Host Powerful Media Matters Panel at Unique Global Business Event

PR Coach Helping Ambitious Entrepreneurs Be Heard to Host Powerful Media Panel

"I can't wait for this high energy event and to host this incredible Media Matters panel."
Jo Swann

Leeds-based award-winning PR Coach and Speaker on a mission to help ambitious entrepreneurs be heard, is all set to host a powerful 'Media Matters Panel' at forthcoming unique global business event. 


Jo Swann of Chocolate PR is passionate about the power of PR and has seen the impact good PR can have on helping businesses to grow.  Jo launched Chocolate PR over 15 years ago, after working in media, marketing and PR agencies. She has worked with companies of all sizes including the likes of Whistles, NSPCC, learndirect, Marriot Hotels, Yo! Sushi, Dale Carnegie, Skipton Building Society to name just a few and won many awards along the way but her mission now is to help small businesses, and particularly female entrepreneurs harness the power of PR. 


On April 22nd and 23rd, Jo will be joining forces with fellow Northern Powerhouse and global motivational speaker and award winning business leader of I Am The Queen Bee Movement (#IATQB) Dani Wallace, from Preston who is the host of this exciting business event - Bee Inspired. Dani, who is renowned in the entrepreneurial world for her high energy awe-inspiring events is keen to kick start anyone battling with Covid fatigue into a new phase of growth, the pair bring together a incredible line up of guests to deliver 2 days of unique ‘edutainment’ whilst raising money for her charitable foundation, The FlyAnyway Foundation, which supports survivors of Domestic Abuse in building up businesses.


On Day 2, Jo Swann will host a special 'Media Matters' panel debate, she will be joined by national freelance journalist and former editor in chief at New magazine, Lebby Eyres, Sky journalist, broadcaster, and author, Nichi Hodgson, BBC Radio London and BBC The One Show Reporter Jacqueline Shepherd along with Talk Radio, Times Radio and Badass Women’s Hour Producer Jonny Seifert. The team will discuss the power of press, how more unheard voices can be heard in the media and pledges will be made around taking action to enable this to happen.


Jo is passionate about supporting small businesses in making PR work as a cost effective, creative marketing medium, to help them tell their story and have fun doing it. Having carved a niche in helping female entrepreneurs tell their story and harness the power of PR she’s on a mission to ensure more ambitious entrepreneurs have the opportunity to be heard in the media. 


Jo Swann said: "Each and every day I meet incredible women who are doing amazing things, having created businesses from scratch that are passion driven. Often their business stems from teaching others what they have learnt in overcoming challenges and adversity. They are helping transform lives, they are making a real difference with their work - however they are not really being seen or heard.


“Often this stems from a fear of being seen, having been in a prestigious corporate role where they have been hidden behind the brand of the business and often discouraged from sharing their own voices. Often it comes from a fear of the media, and a belief that you have to be a 'big' player to be taken seriously. This frustrates me and I think it comes from the fact that often in the press when business analysis is called for we see the same big names being quoted - the business women who are well known, the ones with well known brands and businesses - and this makes the newer female entrepreneurs feel like there is no place for their voice- yet these are women who are tirelessly showing up for their audiences online, often everyday, juggling kids, home life and a new business. They are the ones getting no government support as they have no premises. They are the ones being creative to keep their business thriving, and often these women are running 6 figure businesses - but yet they are still hidden in the wider world -  I am on a mission to change this".


"I can't wait for this high energy event and to host this incredible Media Matters panel. This year, I am passionate about opening the conversation up more widely. Bringing together the national media, female entrepreneurs from the online space and business owners 'in the real world' already recognised in their field - I hope to tip the scales so more online entrepreneurs and unheard voices have a stronger media presence."


Other inspirational speakers at the Bee Inspired event, include; Olympian, British track and field athlete, Marilyn Okoro who will be sharing her story and insights on what competitive sport can teach us all about being in control of our own lives. Passive income strategist, Lisa Johnson and bestselling author and high ticket sales expert, Jane Baker who is helping business owners globally supercharge their sales - both of whom are 7 figure entrepreneurs and have been invited to join Sir Richard Branson on Necker Island later this year. Also joining the Queen Bee, will be #TheKingMaker Fidel Beauhill, The Modern Man Coach, Helping Men Find Themselves, After Divorce, Breakups or Midlife Crisis, bringing a male voice into the mix as he delves into understanding our emotions and relationships. Other topics covered across the two days include; Matrescence - the becoming of a mother, confident style, addictions, grief,  intuitive alignment, healing, spiritual alignment, lead a life with purpose, relationships, health, resilience, personal brand, strategy, self care… and much more.


Following the success of Dani’s 2020 charity event, The Big Festoon, which helped to raise over £16K for domestic abuse charity, Women’s Aid, Dani is on a mission to make this event even bigger and better.


From the TV studio in Coventry the event will then be live streamed online to a global audience of ticket holders.  This content will then also be available as evergreen content for anyone who purchases a ticket post-event.


Tickets for Bee Inspired can be purchased via link - https://jochocpr.krtra.com/t/L1feyTgUnzCp and corporate sponsorship is also available as part of the fundraising effort. 



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