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Essex Entrepreneur Slays Again With Her Best-Selling Book - Just Brand You!

Essex-based personal brand strategist, champion for female entrepreneurs is celebrating success this week by becoming a global bestselling author in the international book charts, after the release of her new book.

Essex Entrepreneur Slays Again With Her Best-Selling Book - Just Brand You!

"I am passionate about fighting against the misconception that you need a split personality as a business owner - the rocket fuel that helps you fly - is you!"
Nicki James

Essex-based personal brand strategist, champion for female entrepreneurs and, Nicki James, 31, founder of Just Brand You https://justbrandyou.co.uk/, is celebrating success again this week by becoming a global bestselling author in the international book charts, after the release of her new book ‘Just Brand You!’      
The book, which helps success-hungry entrepreneurs define, define, become and live their brand became a bestseller within hours of its release, is flying at the top of the book charts, being a number one bestseller in paperback and kindle and at the top of over 20 other categories, including; Marketing & Sales (Kindle Store), International Business & Finance and Personal Transformation… sitting alongside the likes of; Fearne Cotton, Tom Ford, Chanel and Brand Strategist, Fiona Humberston.

With a career that has seen her involved in the communications of iconic brands such as National Geographic and a creative steer for much loved mag, Olive, Nicki is no stranger to creative communication, and she’s now known as a champion of female entrepreneurs, promoting visibility.  She is on a mission to release the magic of other women in business by giving them permission to be themselves - show up, get visible and kick imposter syndrome into touch.

“I learnt a long time ago that you can’t hide behind logos and websites. You have to be seen, be heard and use who you are to help and attract your clients,” says Nicki. ”Women have a right to step into their genius, celebrate themselves, own their purpose and be true to who they are!     ”  

Sharing stages across the world alongside the likes of Google, and with an online community of several thousand, Nicki is passionate about spreading her message to empower others. Within her book she shares her personal story and business success, including step by step advice to achieve real business results.

Nicki’s whole approach to business is driven by her realisation that it is absolutely essential to be YOU to be happy, successful and fulfilled – she said; “I am passionate about fighting against the misconception that you need a split personality as a business owner - one person for work, one person for home - the rocket fuel that helps you fly - is you! The secret sauce needed to grow a business isn’t the latest ‘marketing magic’’ - but your own individual magic.”

Since launching her business in 2017, Nicki has experienced rapid growth as she sees the impact that truly connecting to your audience can have. She now runs a multi 6 figure business and has experienced highs of 50K months after ‘being more her.’ She practices what she preaches, but she hasn’t always had a voice.  

“When I was 6 years old,” remembers Nicki, “I was told it was better ‘to be seen and not heard’ and that it was indeed safer to keep quiet and hide.” - Nicki grew up with an alcoholic father with aggressive tendencies who had regular visits from the bailiffs. “Blending into the background was actually a honed skill. It was my coping mechanism. It’s taken me a lot of personal development work to fight against this intrinsic belief that it’s not safe to stand out, and I see many of my clients struggle with deep-rooted beliefs from past experiences that are also keeping them hidden. It’s important to seek support if you feel parts of your belief system is holding you back – don’t let imposter syndrome win - it’s crucial to stand out and stand up when starting out.”  

Nicki was challenged to step out of her comfort zone and into her potential by her Grandma, a fabulously forthright lady who saw more in Nicki and encouraged her to do more and be more, from a total place of love. This ‘done with love’ encouragement is very much Nicki’s own coaching style as she encourages all to “be a little more you and a lot less them.”
Helping her clients powerfully communicate through genuinely showcasing their values, their qualities and their real character, rather than showcasing some over polished, sculpted corporate version of themselves she is turning much of traditional marketing on its head encouraging female entrepreneurs to build a brand based around the woman and not the business, as she helps more women cut through the noise in the online space, by claiming their own unique part of it.

Within her inspirational book, Nicki says; “I didn’t want to create a boring, stereotypical brand book. That’s just not my style. I wanted something different, but I feared that I wouldn’t be able to find a unique way of positioning my book to others in the same genre. Which is quite funny really as my entire business is all about being unique, standing out and building a brand with you at its heart.

Wearing her heart on her sleeve is one of Nicki’s trademarks.
“I found the courage to be all-out Nicki James,” she beams. “There’s no point allowing your past to define your future and there’s no point letting anyone else do that for you. If I’m encouraging women to love who they are and what they stand for, I’ve got to lead the way.”
Clients of Nicki’s agree. “I started working with Nicki months and months ago. She has supported me through a huge transformational journey which has involved self discovery, a massive change of business direction and mindset, as well as extracting my vision (which evolved by the blooming day!) throughout the process. I don’t know how she does it but she just gets me and has got me, my brand, my style and my personality all within my new brand.”
Nicki said; “I am delighted that this book has become a best seller and hope that it helps readers across the world. It’s dedicated to my Nan, Betty, who always taught me to pay my strengths forward. If it wasn’t for her influence, I wouldn’t be achieving the success I am doing today. Her legacy lives on through me, and the thousands of women I impact.”      
With the immediate overnight success the book has already had, it’s clear to see that the book is needed and it has already been well received by many across the globe. To purchase a copy of the book please visit: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B091J7V5FW

Helping Nicki to bring this awesome book together, is Authors&Co, led by award-winning entrepreneur Abigail Horne, she said: “At Authors & Co we work with entrepreneurs who want to make an impact through leaving their legacy and the audience we serve are those with inquiring minds, keen to drink in information, and learn from others’ experiences. Our authors always lead their readers to reflect on their own lives and if aligned, make use of the teachings to move forward themselves”.

To celebrate the launch of her new book, Nicki is doing a Facebook live event on Tuesday 13th April from 9.30am featuring a mix of interviews, panels, special guests and prizes, including a ticket on her coaching programme; 100% Brand You and a 1-1. Find out more here https://www.facebook.com/events/1710349055804409
Nicki’s incredible tried and tested signature systems really do release your individual magic:
● Just Brand You - Define Brand You, Become Brand You, Live Brand You.
● Define brand you - Understanding who you are, what you are trying to achieve, how you are different and learning how to communicate it.
● Become brand you - Creating the branded elements that look, feel and sound like you.
● Live brand you - Because your brand never dies. You have to live it every single day. Em-body it. Become it.

To find out more please visit https://justbrandyou.co.uk or join Nicki’s free Facebook community The I AM ME Collective – it’s time to step into the woman we’ve always wanted to be - https://www.facebook.com/groups/theiammecollective/



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