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The innovative Dot that harmonises harmful effects from mobile phones

How Brits are boosting their energy levels with a £25 'dot'

The innovative Dot that harmonises harmful effects from mobile phones

"There is growing concern over the health effects that electro-magnetic frequencies EMFs - emitted from Wi-Fi routers, mobile phones and similar devices - are having on peoples bodies and wellbeing."
Jason Petrou-Brown

For anyone feeling a lack of energy, it could be their mobile phone to blame – but help is at hand with innovative products that can manage the effects of EMFs (electro-magnetic frequencies). 

energydots is a ground-breaking suite of products designed to counter the effects of electro-magnetic radiation that’s emitted by wireless electronic devices (it is estimated that more than 3 billion people across the world are exposed to EMF every day). energydots also harmonise other frequencies in day-to-day settings that can affect a person’s biosphere/biofield.

Benefits reported by customers using energydots include improved sleep, mood, concentration and overall energy levels along with reduced headaches, stress, anxiety and fatigue.

The hero product in the range is the smartDOT, an electro-magnetic frequency harmoniser disc that users simply stick on to their electronic devices. 

How it works 

The smartDOT uses sophisticated Programmed Harmonic Interface (PHI) technology as a means of retuning the EMF emitted by devices. The ‘dot’ includes a low-powered magnet programmed with a specific, coherent, naturally occurring recipe of frequencies (it works in a similar way to a magnetic strip on a bank card). This ‘retunes’ or harmonises the emissions to a more natural coherent frequency.  The body recognises the retuned emissions which reduces the effects of electro-stress. 

smartDOTs can be attached to any wireless device, such as a Wi-Fi router, mobile phone, tablet, laptop, baby monitor or games consoles to retune the radiation emitted from the device directly at its source. 

Jason Petrou-Brown from energydots says, “With the latest figures estimating that the average person now spends around 3 hours 30 minutes a day1 on a smartphone (which is 24 hours a week or 53 days a year!), and that there are around 50 billion2 connected devices now in use around the world, there is growing concern over the health effects that electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs) - emitted from Wi-Fi routers, mobile phones and similar devices - are having on people’s bodies and wellbeing. 

“People are increasingly questioning whether their time on devices is harming their health.” 

The benefits

Jason added, “The extent to which you feel a noticeable difference depends on your personal sensitivity to EMFs. It can take time for your body to adjust to the effects of energydots. Some customers notice a difference straight away as they may be particularly sensitive, whilst some take a few weeks to notice the benefits - this is when our customers tend to feedback feeling more energetic, with better concentration and relief from EMF-related stress or tension. 

“Some of our customers have also reported experiencing detox like symptoms when they first try out the products. Because we are all so used to such high levels of EMF exposure, as your body adjusts to reduced exposure levels, some report feeling similar to how you may feel if you cut caffeine or sugar from your diet. For most people, this only lasts a few days and they soon begin to reap the benefits.” 

Scientific research

“While there are a number of scientific and government papers that consider the health effects of electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs) and electro-magnetic radiation emitted from wireless devices – which is listed as a class 2B carcinogen by the World Health Organisation - it is still a highly debated subject with lots of conflicting findings and studies. 

“Which is why we have carried out our own independent testing – spanning more than 10 years - that confirms how wireless radiation affects the body in an unnatural way and indicates how our products undo this process, reverting the body back to its natural state.

“Electro-stress, sometimes labelled as Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) or electro-sensitivity, refers to the negative interference of EMFs (emitted by wireless electronic devices) on our bodies. There are many signs of electro-stress and Wikipedia has a clear definition of what this is. While we must be cautious about how we state this type of sensitivity affects our bodies, what we do know is that according to our research and our clients, our products help them in many ways.” 

Four separate independent scientific studies have shown the positive impact of the smartDOT: 

Blood microscopy tests - Tests monitored changes in Red Blood Cells exposed to the effects of EMF and when using a smartDOT.  The report summary from research carried out by independent microscopy tester Pam Layfield concluded that changes to the blood cells after exposure to EMFs were significant but went back to the previous state or were improved following harmonising with smartDOT. 

Medical Thermal Imaging - “Overall, it is concluded that the smartDOT has shown to be profoundly effective in negating the effects of mobile phone radiation on the human body.” – Dr Thornton Streeter, Centre for Biofield Sciences

Polycontrast Interference Photography (PIP) - The results of a series of PIP sequences found disturbances present around our brains when we use wireless, EMF-emitting devices such as phones, tablets and laptops. When an energydot is introduced, less imbalances and a normalising effect on the biofield can be seen.

Bio-imaging - “After two days using the smartDOT on the phone, overall energy leaks and distortions have reduced and the energy field appears much more symmetrical.” – Dr Thornton Streeter, Centre for Biofield Sciences. 


smartDOTS cost from £25 www.energydots.com



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